Monday, 11 February 2013

Photographer of the Week

There have been many different reactions when cameras have appeared during the course of this week.  We've had what we call the tilted head duck lips pose club (you may have noticed their awards on yesterday's blog), where as soon as the camera appears you have to tilt your head and pout your lips.  There's the "Oh no I couldn't possible be in a picture looking like this" reaction, where you turn away from the photographer and try to hide.  And of course, the photo bomb; someone might be having a photograph taken and at the last moment, just as the shutter is about to click, there's a cry of "Photo bomb!" and someone leaps across in front of the lens to hijack the picture.  Finally, there's the indulgent picture where, despite the fact that there is fantastic scenery all around, the focus of the photograph is the person themselves, to the complete exclusion of any scenery in the picture.

Despite (or in spite) of all the above, we have had some fantastic photographs this week posted on the blog, and as Mr. Whitaker mentioned there are several more that haven't been.  One of our more dedicated photographers (and posers) was Nadia, and Mr. Suter managed to pinch her camera memory card - with her blessing - in order to share some of her photos.  We haven't included  all 659 of her, or the 345 or her and Jessica, or the 246 of her and Chloe, but we're sure you'll agree there are some good shots here of things that she has noticed on her trip.  See how many of the photographic techniques you can spot.
