Tuesday, 11 February 2014

An internet connection! What a fabulous day!

This is going to be a very brief blog post, but the kind people at Interski have let me use their computer on the mountain which, so far, looks like it might let me upload a few more photos than we managed last night.

The internet speed in the town we are staying in is very slow, so unfortunately we will not be able to upload as many photos as we would like, but bear with us and we will see what we can do. On another technology related matter, apologies for the 'we've arrived' message being delayed yesterday, it was sent first thing in the morning, but got lost in the Super Information Highway.

Anyway, enough of the boring bits - how are the kids doing! We woke up this morning to a GLORIOUS morning, not a cloud in the sky. Everyone was well refreshed after 10 hours of sleep last night, surprisingly there were no problems with our pupils going to bed at the prescribed time of 9:15pm - who would have thought?! They are out on the slopes with fresh power and Sun, and are all smiles. We are very proud of our pupils, there was not one complaint yesterday afternoon, despite being tired and cold, oh, did I mention tired?

Last night some awards were handed out for the following:

  • Longest time a hat is worn on a plane - Sina - the pink hat didn't come off once and that includes our transfer!
  • Best praise from ski instructor - Khaled - Mel his instructor is very impressed with his attitude and skill!
  • Tidiest room - congratulations to Suzi and Cindy - can they keep this way?!

I will now attempt to upload some photos, fingers crossed (the weather you may see is from yesterday, not today!)

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  1. Dad and Mum miss you so much, take care of yourself

  2. It is good to know all is doing just fine. We didn't see Fay in any of the photos. Tomorrow (Wed) should be sunny in Courmayeur. Fawaz is already missing Fay and Mr. Outhwaite! A photo of the two of you would be nice to see on the blog.

    Cheers, Ahmed and Basma

  3. Mr. Outhwaite, I remember the joys of trying to get an internet connection in Courmayer. Not easy! Good to see you're all following your nutritionist's guidelines on carb loading for skiing - healthy plates of pasta and chips there. Hope the hot chocolate is as thick and creamy as it was last year.
